Hello fashionistas!
Today we received a Stardoll e-mail and I'm going to summarize it.
Well, first Stardoll tells us about a safer internet contest. It seems to be a contest for every member about internet safety and its main point is to enhance people's knowledge about internet safety.
Here we have some "basic rules" about internet safety. Click on the image to enlarge.
Here we have some "basic rules" about internet safety. Click on the image to enlarge.
Then, if you click on the link, it will direct you to the contest where you have multiple choice questions. By joining the contest you win a free t-shirt. If you answer all the right answers, you can be one of the winners of a laptop for your medoll. I'm not sure if that's for everyone, as I haven't joined the contest yet. By the way, I couldn't find the text translated to English. I tried, but all I found was the text in Brazil Portuguese. Click here to go to it
Then you can see the rest of the e-mail. Here Stardoll is promoting the Valentine Gift-o-meter, the valentine pass, the new Sunny Bunny Clothes and is also suggesting you to send a Valentine Gift to your friends.
Then you can see the rest of the e-mail. Here Stardoll is promoting the Valentine Gift-o-meter, the valentine pass, the new Sunny Bunny Clothes and is also suggesting you to send a Valentine Gift to your friends.