Earn 50 SD from inviting a friend?

*Don't get too excited after reading the title - because this is stardoll, never forget that all the owners want is our MONEY
So today I noticed a new (?) feature on stardoll invitations.
When on my sister's account I went to Invite friends page (to by making spare accounts get her starpoints :D)there were few changes
Now you can not only earn starpoints but also STARDOLLARS for inviting friends. But it's not like on old times (when you got 5sd instead of starpoints for inviting a friend) NOW you can get 50 STARDOLLARS from inviting one friend. Where's the catch? It's ONLY if she/he BECOMES SUPERSTAR
What can we understand from this?
Now stardoll wants us to convince our friends to buy Superstar?
You know if you invited 20 friends who actually become Superstar, you would earn - 1000 stardollars. It would not bad, eh?

Will you be using this feature?
Have you ever invited anyone to join stardoll before?
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