HB Umbrella

HB Umbrella has been released 
As expected - Superstar only, Price - just 5 sd
And now a little of my critic.
I actually have no idea what to do with it.
I tried to make outfit and put it differently,
but ended up with nothing but this -
I'm not sure if I don't like it because of
having 'too short handle'
or is it just 'too small for my head'
See-though parts should be lighter.
 And wherever I put, 
it doesn't look good except one position in left arm,
but still could look better. 
Don't you agree?

No matter for fact that I spent hours on googling, I still didn't find Real Life's version.
Let me know if you know by who it's inspired [:

Anyway are you willing to buy it?
Do you ever consider using it in outfit?
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