Free School Blouse&Skirt and Apples

No mater how much we don't want or want it  
Soon or even already most of us will be/are back to school,
so stardoll is giving away 

Free School Blouse and Skirt and Apples
To get Blouse and Skirt -
If you are from Poland, Go and Enter contest by clicking HERE
If you aren't from Poland, follow these steps:
1)Go to Poland proxy like
2)In blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Go/Idz OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL link box Paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait till page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Blouse and skirt should be in giftboxes in your suite [:

But for Apples in a basket -
If you are from Germany, Go and Enter contest by clicking HERE
If you are from Finland, Go and Enter contest by clicking HERE
If you aren't from Germany or Finland, follow these steps:
1)Go to German proxy like OR OR
2)In blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Browse OR Go
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies Address paste this linK:
6)Click Go, wait till page loads
7)Leave proxy, go to stardoll as usual
Apples should be in a giftbox in your suite [:

Available till 26.08
Thanks to TSI for main information

So - will you be getting them?
Are you willing to create Back-2-School inspired outfit and/or suite?

Are you back to school already?
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