Hola Amigos y Amigas! Today Burrito want to say how much he enjoy seeing the hot cheerleaders at FIU Stadium on Saturday even though they show up late to game... Burrito want you to see pictures of them from their calendar! Que chulas!
The Miami FC/FIU Cheerleaders need your helps since FIU cut their program dinero, you can help by buying Miami FC tickets from them or buying their calendar. Ok, so most of the year has gone but that's no excuse for not buying calendar. You can buy them at FIU stadium when Miami FC plays, (then you can get all the mamacitas to sign it!) on FIU campus or you can go to their website http://fiucheerleading.com/ Support the cheerleaders!Talk about FIU, the Women's futbol team is ready to begin the season! Burritos compadre at the Herald, Adam Beasley wrote a preview. here someone talking about this years team "We have the possibility to surprise some people this year. Eighteen of our 24 players are freshmen or sophomore" for more go HERE
Burritos got to give props to his carnales Legion del Sur (The Southern Legion), they were bien chingones at the last game vs The Montreal Impact making noise and supporting the Blues! Now the Southern Legion have created a new Site over at NING go check it out, they got pictures and mucho mas! Southern Legion Ning