According to some of my fellow Bloggers Barcaloco and one of my favorites MLSenespañol . The Miami Franchise is in danger. MLS en Español's source is SportsES who has an interview with the General Director of the club Mr Olive who states that due to these financial times there is a chance the project will not go forward.
Well, it was my understanding that Brightstar owner Marcelo Claure was the main investor who is going to fork out the $40 million big ones and not Barcelona.
So I did a little digging, a phone call and an anonymous source close to Mr. Brightstar confirmed that though Mr. Olive speaks for FC Barcelona he is not the one who has the last word. Everything is still on course folks, Marcelo Claure is the one putting the loot. Barcelona is putting the know how and years of experience and they are what makes the bid strong, but it is no secret that there is internal posturing within Barcelona, especially since La Porta's term ends in 2010. Rest assured my source tells me La Porta and Claure are the main characters in this drama and as far as Marcelo Claure is concerned he is not backing out.
More to come...